I tried to make smilely face of decoration rolled sushi this time.
Eye uses pickled Nozawana , mouth uses boiled Kanpyo dried gourd shavings.
This recipe is easy to make. Please try the recipe when you have time.
材料 4切れ分 ingredients makes 4 pieces
酢めし 170g Sumeshi 170g/6oz
錦糸卵かそぼろ卵 40g Shredded egg omelet or scrambled eggs 40g / 1 1/2oz
野沢菜 10㎝×2本 葉の部分(目)
2×10㎝ pickled nozawana leaves (for the eyes)
かんぴょうの煮物 10㎝×4.5㎝×2本(口)
1×4.5×10cm boiled kanpyo dried gourd shavings (for the mouth)
のり 19㎝×21㎝×1枚 1×19×21cm nori (dried seaweed sheet)
作り方 Directions
Mix the sumeshi and shredded egg omelet or scrambled eggs, and devide into each amount. (80g/2 4/5oz 50g/1 3/4oz 2×20g/2×2/3oz)
② 野沢菜をのり1/8で巻く。(2本)
Roll the pickled nozawana in a 1/8 section of nori.
Rolled the boiled kanpyo (dried gourd shavings) in a 1/4 section of nori.
Place the Makisu bamboo mat horizontally, and place the 1/2 section of nori on top.
Leaving a 2cm space at each end, spread 80g of sumeshi evenly over the nori.
Place 20g of sumeshi over a 4cm wide space in the middle.
⑥左右に目を置く。 Place an eye on each side.
⑦酢めし50gをドーム型にのせる。 Place 50g of sumeshi on top in the shape of a dome.
⑧口を置く。 Place the mouth on top.
Place 20g of sumeshi on top in the shape of a dome and ajust the shape.
Leaveng the Makisu bamboo mat on the cooking surface, roll each side of the mat over the roll in turn to clese the roll.
Move the roll to the edge of the Makisu bamboo mat and press on the surface to flatten.
While waping the blade of the knife with a wetted kitchen towel, cut the roll into four equal slices.